As far as I can tell, the feature in the Master Data Manager website that lets you edit an entity and reposition the attributes simply doesn’t work, if the entity is sufficiently complex. It appears to move them randomly. When I come back later, they sometimes appear to be back where they started.
Monthly Archives: June 2012
“Evaluation period has expired” when installing MDS 2012 alone
It looks as though installing SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services alone on a web server that has no other SQL Server 2102 components doesn’t work out of the box. When you bring up the web page, you see an “Evaluation period has expired” page. Or at least I did, and so did at least one other person within the last week.
Master Data Services 2012 “Access is denied” error
Another MDS installation glitch (see here for more). If you create the MDS web application website using the MDS Configuration Manager (using the “New” option in the list of web sites), it may fail to set up IIS authentication correctly. The first time I created the site this way it … Continue reading →
SQLSaturday #144
SQLSaturday #144 SQLSaturday is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server. This event will be held July 28, 2012 from 8am to 6pm at: University of Phoenix 2860 Gateway Oaks Dr Sacramento, CA 95833 Admittance to this event is free, all costs … Continue reading →
HTTP 500.19 Server Error from MDS website just after installation
If you happen to encounter this error when installing SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services, you may have missed an IIS prerequisite feature, or you may not be using the right Windows user for the MDS application pool identity.
Continue reading →SQL Server 2012 Integration Services – Project Deployment —
I have already begun using the new SSIS Project Deployment Model where I am able. I did not know it was coming, but I have wished that SSIS deployment could work this way for a long, long time. …this brief introduction into the capabilities of Project Deployment Model should give … Continue reading →
The Sequence Object in SQL Server 2012 – SQLServerCentral
Looks useful for data warehouse applications… The Release of SQL Server 2012 introduces the sequence object to the world of SQL Server. A sequence is a user defined, schema bound object that will generate a sequence of numeric values (in ascending or descending order) according to specification. Unlike identity columns, a sequence … Continue reading →